HOLY SMOKES it’s finally time for this announcement. The LLC is purchased, the domain and Instagram handle are reserved, the business email is alive, which means it’s time to let you in on a little secret I’ve been keeping.
While the progress of this business has been postponed due to COVID-19 and travel restrictions, it is a business that I am SO passionate and excited about that I couldn’t hold it in any longer and I’m excited to take you on the journey of building this with me! Here’s a little bit more information on how it came to be and what is to come…
The Eating Expedition is food-focused trips around the world for people who have recovered from an eating disorder and are wanting to celebrate recovery and their new relationship with food. Each trip will be led by an eating disorder therapist and dietitian to provide additional support (because we all know that traveling and adjusting to international cuisine can be stressful AF!)
While the trips will start off with this population, there has already been interest in doing clinician trips as a way to connect with other eating disorder clinicians through travel and food.
The idea probably started formulating the summers of 2014 and 2015 when I did nutrition-focused study abroads to Italy and Brazil alongside other nutrition and food-science students, but the idea of making it a business came to me the spring of 2018 when I was living in Italy and dreaming of what I wanted to do with my life!
This idea was solidified – and narrowed down to people who have recovered from their eating disorder – after I started working as an eating disorder dietitian. Through this work, many clients shared that a motivation for recovery was getting to travel with their family again or being able to go on a study abroad in college. We also got to bring food and culture into their treatment and I saw first hand how education around where our food comes from around the world through a hands-on approach had a profound impact on their recovery and developing their new relationship with food.
Short answer: probably 2022
Long answer: I invited eight clinicians (and a photographer) to go on our first 10 day trial-trip to Italy in October 2020, but due to COVID we’ve had to postpone that trip until 2021. Once the trial trip is complete and all the kinks are worked out, we will open up registration for our first trip to northern Italy *hopefully* in 2022!
If you want to come along for the journey of bringing this business idea to life, make sure you’re on my Morgan Sinclair Designs email list! If you just want updates on when this is up and running, sign up for The Eating Expedition email list!