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it's like having your own personal rapid fire texts

genoa, italy! I guess moving isn’t technically the correct term since I found out about a month ago that I legally can’t stay there for more than 90 days… so now it’s being referred to as an “extended stay” or a “self sabbatical” because I’m a little bitter about not being able to stay as […]

genoa, italy!

I guess moving isn’t technically the correct term since I found out about a month ago that I legally can’t stay there for more than 90 days… so now it’s being referred to as an “extended stay” or a “self sabbatical” because I’m a little bitter about not being able to stay as long as I hoped. But regardless, I get to spend 90 glorious days in Italy where I have a cute little studio apartment in a pink building with views of the water and I couldn’t be more excited!

“But Morgan, why are you going to Italy?”

Well, my friend, first and foremost I blame Netflix for putting Under the Tuscan Sun on the recommended watch list where I watched it almost daily for like 5 weeks. #noshame but it caused me to send a few text messages while I should’ve been studying for finals in December 2016 that said “I know this is a long way away, but I think I’m gonna move to Italy for a few months in March 2018” and alas, here we are. It’s almost March 2018 and I am, in fact, “moving” to Italy. SAY WHAAAAAAA.

In all seriousness, Under the Tuscan Sun definitely had a huge impact on this move. But obvs not getting a divorce or planning on buying a villa in Tuscany (though Frances wasn’t planning on that either…). Really, I knew this was a point in my life where I’d have the opportunity to do this, so I took it. I’ve been saving up ever since the idea popped in my head. I finished my dietetic internship in January and haven’t accepted a job yet so why the heck not? I’ve been living by the phrase of “keep not settling” so here I am. Not settling for a life short of enthusiastic.

“But Morgan, who are you going with?”

Me, myself, and I. Solo traveling has always been high on my priority list and while I’ve flown by myself several times, this is the first time that I’ll actually be exploring a city all by myself.

“But Morgan, what are you going to be doing in Italy?”

Eating a lot of really good food. But really… aside from a few friends coming to visit, I don’t have any plans. My goal is to not be busy and to focus on me and what I want out of life and be in a place where I have to say “no” to people. My studio has a pretty sweet balcony, so wouldn’t be mad if I just drank coffee and read good books all day. But I also think it’ll be a really great time to focus on my design business and the nonprofit I co-founded and dedicate some much needed time to streamline those.

So yes, in 2 days I’ll be solo-adventuring to Genoa, Italy and I couldn’t be more excited/nervous/pumped/giddy. Arrivederci, USA!

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