we've got business shit to learn.

pull up a chair.

If there is a time of pure unknown in what I was doing in the world, it was the sweet spot between finishing up my school and moving into my professional life. Talk about a slew of emotions (ones that actually led me to move to Italy for a few months to help figure it […]

Building A Business

4 Things To Do Before Entering “The Real World”

How it is already a new year, I have no clue. I swear that when you start working a full-time job and don’t have summer and winter breaks, time freaking flies. While I am embracing the new year, same me, I am all for reflecting on the past year and setting intentions for the new year. […]

2020 Goals + Intentions

2020 Quarter One Intentions

IT’S CHRISTMAS TIME, Y’ALL. Truth be told, I’ve had Christmas music playing since the weekend before Halloween (I blame the cold front that came through in Texas) and I’ve had my Christmas tree up since the beginning of November. What can I say? This girl L O V E S the holidays… and waking up […]

Gift Guide for the Intuitive Eater

I’ve officially been in Italy for a full week (and a few days)! It’s been such an eye-opening experience and I’ve already learned so so so much about myself. One thing no one prepares you for when you move to a new place is the loneliness that ensues. I got into my apartment around midnight […]

What My First Week in Italy Taught Me

My sister-in-law Katie recently decided that she wanted to start a side hustle to her architecture career and I was ecstatic when she asked me to help her design her brand and website. I’ve always known that Katie was artistic, but I was in awe when she showed me her true passion – floral paintings! […]

Katie Sinclair Art

brand photography by julia gutierrez

website by yours truly (obvs)

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