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2020 Goals + Intentions

2020 Quarter One Intentions

How it is already a new year, I have no clue. I swear that when you start working a full-time job and don’t have summer and winter breaks, time freaking flies. While I am embracing the new year, same me,Ā I am all for reflecting on the past year and setting intentions for the new year.

As December 31st rapidly approached, I was feeling so gosh dang overwhelmed with what I wanted to accomplish in 2020. If we’re going to get super honest, 2019 was the year of dreaming – dreaming about where I would travel to next, business ideas I had stirring around in my head. And towards the end of the year, I realized that 2020 was going to be the year of implementing and bringing all those dreams to life, which made my heart race a bit and made goal setting for a whole year seem super scary.

Thankfully I popped into Kylie’s house at the end of the year and she shared her intentions and goals with me and the way she mapped it out instantly made sense and made me feel so much better: breaking it down into quarters (instead of getting overwhelmed with the whole year) and then within each quarter, mapping out personal, relational, and professional goals and intentions.

2020 Quarter One Intentions

2020 Overall Intention

My overarching intention in 2020 is to be intentional with my friendships and relationships both with my friends in Houston as well as those who are in other parts of the world. I’m so thankful to have a group of people in my life who are so passionate about pursuing what sets their souls on fire, but that tends to leave everyone working a full time job with passion projects on the side and minimal time to focus on building relations aside from the random car calls when we are getting from one place to the next.

2020 Quarter One Goals

Personal goals:

#1: Join a Small Group at Bayou City | I joined Bayou City Fellowship last year and want to get plugged into a bible study or community group this year!

#2: Read Five Books | I set a yearly goal to read 20 books in 2020, which is such an ambitious goal for me because I don’t know the last time I read more than 5 books in a year. But after joining a book club last year and seeing what a better mental state I was in when I read before bed, we are going for it. Which means that quarter one is going to contain 5 books. I’m currently reading The Silent Patient and plan to add Crazy Rich Asians, The Vacationers, and Get Out of Your Own Way to the list*. Will just need to find one more! If you have recommendations, drop them below.

Relationship goals:

#1: Host Monthly Gatherings | This is most closely linked to my overall intention and I want to host friends in Houston more often. Between cooking tapas and snacks and having a whole bucket of games, hosting and challenging my perfectionism around what a “good host” is are going to be ongoing intentions for 2020!

#2: Send Notes to Distant Friends | Also part of my overall intention, I have several friends that moved out of Houston and I want to find a way to connect with them intentionally each quarter (at a minimum!). This quarter? I’ll be writing and mailing notes, because who doesn’t love getting a letter in the mail?

Professional goals:

#1: Complete + Launch Online Course | I began working with a business coach in July 2019 and my goal by the end of the new year was to have a complete course covering what weight inclusive clinicians need to know about branding and web design. Well, I completed the course, did a round of beta testing with close colleagues, and this quarter is for editing the course based on their feedback and launching it to the public!

#2: Blogging Twice a Month | This is the goal I’m most skeptical of up-keeping. I’ve tried and failed at blogging at least six times now over the last 10 years. BUT HERE WE ARE. Trying again, because you can’t fail if you never give up šŸ˜‰

What are your intentions for 2020?

*Affiliate links